Our D2D (Dedicated-to-Diversity) specializes in providing spousal visas under the Spouse or Common Law Partner in Canada class. Canadian spousal sponsorship allows Canadian citizens or permanent residents to sponsor their partners to come and live permanently in Canada. Family holds significant importance in Canada, making spousal sponsorship applications a top priority.
You may be eligible to sponsor your spouse, conjugal partner, or common-law partner if you meet the following conditions:
You are at least 18 years old.
You currently reside in Canada or plan to return to Canada once your spouse or partner becomes a permanent resident.
You have the capability and willingness to financially support your spouse or partner for three years, covering their basic needs.
Sponsorship applications typically take approximately 12 months to process from start to finish. While they are usually not processed much faster than this timeframe, they can take longer depending on the complexity of your case. If you have a complicated case or if the visa office requires additional evidence of your relationship, the processing time will be extended.
To ensure your sponsorship application is processed as quickly as possible, it is crucial to get it right the first time. Our D2D team will assist you and ensure that your application is approved on the first submission. We have helped thousands of spousal sponsorship applications, and all of our clients have been satisfied with our work.